This will absolutamente make you want to practice your Español
In case you missed it: Enrique Iglesias released a new song! This means spring is really on it's way. It also means you will have a very good tool to practice your Spanish, because of course you have to know
Poca Boca’s first selling point – Thuyskamer!
Síííí - You might have seen it already on our Instagram, but since last week Poca Boca is also available in a súper cute shop, Thuyskamer! You can find Thusykamer at Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 26 in Amsterdam a side-street of the Nieuwendijk.
The 11 must see Spanish películas of 2016
<h5>When you want to learn a language, listening to it as mucho as possible will help you a lot.</h5> The best way obviously is to visit Spanish speaking countries whenever you can. But since most of us have some things to