In case you missed it: De TV Kantine goes Spanish 💃🏼😂
Un toque de español in De TV Kantine last Thursday! Two artists singing in Spanish were starring in the episode of last week: Julio Iglesias and Rolf Sanchez. Por supuesto a touch of Spanish on the Dutch tv always makes
We’ll make you get through the lockdown with these Mexican stand up comedians
No exuberant bouts of laughter with your group of amigos, colleagues or familia, and a visit to a comedy show at un teatro is not gonna happen any time soon either. Luckily there are a bunch of comedy shows online,
Increíble: Madrid like you’ve nunca seen it before
When we are longing for sun, blue skies and warm weather, Spain is of course one of our destinos favoritos. Ahorita however, it's not warm and sunny over there AT ALL. So forget this picture above, because España is facing