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view streets buildings blue sky

Increíble: Madrid like you’ve nunca seen it before

view streets buildings blue sky

Foto: Alev Takil

When we are longing for sun, blue skies and warm weather, Spain is of course one of our destinos favoritos. Ahorita however, it’s not warm and sunny over there AT ALL. So forget this picture above, because España is facing a super cold period and Madrid is even full of snow!

A storm called ‘Filomena’ covered las calles de Madrid in snow and invited avonturiers to go outside and enjoy this super unique vistas bonitas. Wanna see it yourselve? We’ve selected the most wonderful images for you so you can stroll the snowy streets right from home and enjoy Madrid like you’ve never seen it before!


Did all these snowy pictures make you frrrrío? Let us fix that!

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