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Man in white shirt and lady in orange top front of white background

Let’s put it to the test: can you distinguish Latin American accentos?

Man in white shirt and lady in orange top front of white background

Foto: Dating Beyond Borders

When you think you finally got the hang of the new language you are studying but still hear new sounds every time? Yeah, that’s what happends when you study español…

With so many countries where Spanish is the language, you will just keep on hearing new accents and probably have to get used to another kind of Spanish over and over again. Annoying? Que no! It’s jus an excuse to keep on studying (read: listen Spanish musica, watch Spanish movies, read Spanish noticias and travel to countries where they speak Spanish) and delve into all different cultures.

Since we are here to help you practicar all kinds and accents of Spanish, we are muy curiosas if you are able already to distinguish different Latin American accents. To put it to the test, we found this very ‘educational’ video of ‘Dating Beyond Borders’ with several pick up lines, from Cuban to Argentinian to Venezuelan.

Are you ready to test yourself? Make sure your audio is turned on, close your eyes and play this video! You will probably swoon away a bit sometimes 😉, but let’s try to stay sharp and guess, and see how many accents you are able to identify!

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